Mountain Vintners – Wines of Trentino Alto Adige
A splendid day in Trento: an embrace between Vignaioli del Trentino and Freie Weinbauern Südtirol – Vignaioli dell’Alto Adige in the name of artisanal, territorial, sustainable and … quality wine!

Every two years, as part of the Trento Film Festival returns “Vignaioli di montagna”, the event based in Palazzo Roccabruna and dedicated to the wines of artisanal producers of Trentino and Südtirol. Thirty Vintners will tell their work and their special interpretation of the mountain terroir: stories of passion and love for their land; quality wines, expression of an alpine territory with unique and unrepeatable characteristics; crossroads of experiences and skills in the name of the mountain, extraordinary bridge between men and territories.