Sunday 13 March: 50 vintners from Südtirol/Alto Adige and Trentino will fill the rooms of BASE Milan and Cariplo Factory for Vignaioli di montagna 2022. Together with them, the quality gastronomic specialities typical of Trentino and Südtirol, a week of events that a week of events preceding the Winegrowers’ exhibition, master classes dedicated to mountain wines and a special screening of the and a special screening of the Trento Film Festival. See
A multi-faceted story of mountain areas, with flavours and images, realised thanks to the support of the Chambers of Commerce of Trento and Südtirol. support of the Chambers of Commerce of Trento and Bolzano, which focuses on the land and the work of those who cultivate and The focus is on the land and the work of those who cultivate and care for it in the name of sustainability and quality. A A way of transferring the nuances of the highlands where many still choose to put down roots, cultivating This is a way of transferring the nuances of the highlands where many still choose to put down roots, cultivating vines, producing wine and respecting the culture of the mountains.
On Sunday 13 March, from 11.00 am to 8.00 pm, the first floor of BASE Milan will be open to the public with the Vineyard Exhibition. opens to the public with the Winegrowers’ Exhibition: 50 tasting counters, over 100 wines in tasting and the story of Trentino and Alto Adige producers. A path that winds its way through Alpine valleys, through artisanal, quality, territorial and sustainable wines. Accompanying the trail are mountain pasture cheeses from Trentino, artisanal speck from South Tyrol, and typical South Tyrolean bread.
Baron Longo / Bergmannhof / Brunnenhof Mazzon / Glassierhof / Klosterhof / Manincor /
Mauracher SS / Messnerhof / Schloss Englar / Strasserhof / Untermoserhof / Weingut Abraham / Weingut Ebner / Weingut Eichenstein / Weingut Falkenstein / Weingut Klaus Lentsch / Weingut Larcherhof / Weingut Niklas / Weingut Obermoser / Weingut Oberstein / Weingut Pitzner / Weingut Plonerhof / Weingut Thurnhof / Weinhof Kobler / Widum Baumann
Balter / Cantina Bellaveder / Bongiovanni / Borgo dei Posseri / Castel Noarna / Cesconi / Comai / De Vescovi Ulzbach / De Vigili / Eredi di Cobelli Aldo / Filanda de Boron / Furletti Gabriele / Grigolli Bruno / Klinger / Longariva / Martinelli / Maxentia / MOS / F.lli Pisoni / Pojer e Sandri / Francesco Poli / Giovanni Poli / Villa Persani / Zanotelli / Zeni Roberto
Following, at 8.30 p.m., a special screening by the Trento Film Festival, which brings one of the greatest classics of mountain, mountaineering and exploration cinema back to the big screen: Everest – Sea to Summit (Australia, 1992, 61′), the film starring Tim Macartney-Snape, the first mountaineer to trace a new route up Everest without oxygen.
This will be followed on Monday 14 March 2022 by three masterclasses dedicated to the viticulture and oenology of the Highlands. of the Highlands, which explore and narrate the colours of mountain wines, in a journey designed to highlight the variety of territories and wines from the highlands.